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Dealing With Disappointment

Lately, I feel like I have been smacked by life with disappointments one right after the another. I honestly shouldn't even say lately because it has been going on for awhile now. I have a feeling that many of my readers are feeling the same right now given COVID, delays in school starting, businesses impacted and the list goes on. So how can we bounce back quicker and not dip into the doldrums of depression, fatigue, victim mentality or anxiety? I have been thinking about this a lot lately and have come to the conclusion that gratitude for what we do have is the quickest way out along with holding space and energy for what we do want more of in our life.

I know that using gratitude is so simple, and yet sometimes in a funk, I can't find it. I have started being more diligent when something doesn't go how I had hoped and I feel disappointment sneaking in letting myself acknowledge the disappointment, feel the grief and then asking myself what is going right. This simple question gets me curious and thinking about how many things I can name within that disappointment that are still ok and what else in my life I can refocus on that brings me a grateful spirit. I can instantly feel my energy shift in a positive way and feel lighter.

My other favorite way to dispel discouragement or disappointment is to journal about something I do want. I imagine every detail. Currently, I am journaling about an "imaginary" vacation to France with my sweet daughters. I write about what we are seeing, eating, feeling, experiencing. Just yesterday we went to the Eiffel Tower, had pain au chocolat with a cafe au lait, shopped our way through Rue Cler, visited Sacre Couer and felt the energy shift under our feet and finished our day by creating water color journal entries together while laughing about our day. I write in details about dresses we try on, linens we touch, the energy of the people on the street, how I feel and how happy we are. It may sound silly, but I feel so happy after I write about it and hopeful that it will come true that disappointment from current situations just evaporates. As a side bonus, I know that holding this higher vibration will also help me manifest my dreams faster. We have to imagine what we want first before it arrives.

I encourage you to try one or both of these methods today if you are feeling disappointed about an aspect of your life. I have also posted a Wellness Boost to help shift your energy if you are feeling a bit stuck in disappointment. I hope it helps your surge forward and feel vibrant and resilient



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