Do It Afraid
I have dreamed of being an author for years. Yesterday, as I hit publish on Amazon, I felt a pang of trepidation deep in my gut. I have poured my heart into this book, shared intimate details of my life, tried to shed light on the unknown and want honor my journey and my family while doing it. And, I still have a twinge of fear about what people will say. Is it’s good enough? I can't help but wonder if it will have the impact I desire.
Fear is so tricky because I know I have done my best. I know it is what I want to do and yet fear creeps in and whispers to me, “You might not be good enough. People may reject you. Other authors write better than you. You aren’t a real author.”
Fortunately, fear and I are well acquainted. I have met him many times as I built additions to my comfort zone. We all have this house we build to feel safe. Here’s the thing, sometimes we need to leave our house. Each time I step out and do something new, there stands fear at my door, saying, “Who do you think you are? Who are you to be a healer? Who do you think you are to call yourself a medium, a teacher, a mentor and now an author.” With each new thing I try, I do it afraid. Yep, I summons up all my courage, I walk right past fear and I try it because my heart says “YES, you are that.”
It is only my mind who struggles to get fully on board because that is where fear gets to me. I have learned to do it anyway. Here are my top four tips to conquer fear and follow your heart.
1. When I listen my thoughts, I know whether it is higher guidance or fear based on what the voice in my head says. My inner critic is just that, critical. Higher guidance from angels, guides or my higher self is kind, loving and encouraging. If it is something not in my best interest, I know they will encourage me to try something different. With this book, I hear them chanting, "Do It!"
2. I like to write out the worst case scenario. For this example: No one buys my book. Then I say, ok, no on bought it. What can I gain from the experience? Well, my life has changed incredibly by writing the book. Implementing it has healed me in new ways, helped me manifest more of what I want and so much more. So, I know it was worth it.
3. I seek wise counsel. I have several friends who act as my believing eyes. Meaning, they believe in me. I trust their judgement. So, I run my big new idea by them and tell them what I want to do. They always have great feedback and help me move forward with encouragement.
4. I align my energy and sit with myself to really know if the new thing is for me. Here is one of my favorite energy alignments. This always helps me feel clearer. Watch Do it Afraid!
Then, I do it with the fear!
To create a life we love, we must create, choose, expand, try new things. How will you know if you like it or not. What if you are really good at it? What if your work, creation, inspiration helps another human?
I look back at my highly perfectionistic self often and think she missed out on so many opportunities because she was afraid she wouldn’t be perfect at it so she didn’t even try. I feel so much freer, have more fun and truly enjoy my life now that I am willing to "fail." I am willing to give new things a try. I am willing to say, nope that doesn't work. And then I try something else.
Where are you holding back because you are afraid? What are you afraid will happen if you try it? Failure is only a perspective. If we learn what’s not for us or one way something doesn’t work, we are still moving forward and having a new experience.
What do you long to try but feel like an imposter? Who am I to….? My question is, who are you not to? What if you love it? What is it helps you live your purpose? What if it changes your life for the better and/or someone else’s? We never know unless we face fear and do it afraid!
I believe in you. I believe in your heart, your purpose. Do it afraid!
If you would like to read my first book, Conversations In Between With My Mom in the Afterlife, the ebook is available for preorder now on Amazon! The paperback is available starting October 2, 2024!
If you need support doing it afraid, or a set of believing eyes, I would encourage you to try the energy balance on YouTube and/or schedule an appointment with me. I love helping people step into their potential!